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Amrita Hepi


Mixtape Mass Movement

Lead by your groove guardian, Angel Amrita Hepi's Mixtape Mass Movement, is an all abilities, feel good dance class for all ages, shapes, genders and experience.

Warm up with moves for a free-spirited, judgement-free dancefloor and learn a choreographed sequence to loosen the limbs and stir the soul. If you're a sucker for film clip choreography - this class is your absolute jam.

Slow Jamz with Amrita

Join the floor with dance guardian Angel Amrita Hepi for a sweaty, slow, and slightly more seductive groove session (picture yin yoga but in dance form).

A feel good session for all ages, shapes and backgrounds created to unleash the spirit. Join for a softer, more sensual dance movement experience.


Amrita Hepi

Amrita Hepi is an award winning first nations Choreographer and Dancer from Bundjulung (AUS) and Ngapuhi (NZ) territories. She has worked with leading Australian dance companies Force Majeure, Marrugeku and OCHRES and toured work nationally and internationally through theatres and galleries in Australia, Europe and the U.S.A - she trained at NAISDA and Alvin Ailey Dance theatre New York.

In 2018 she was the recipient of the people's choice award for the Keir Choreographic award commission and was also named one of Forbes Asia 30 under 30. Of recent she is currently showing at cement fondu in a joint show called The Ropes with Adrian Piper and about to debut a new commission for The National: New Australian Art 2019 at the Art Gallery of NSW.

An artist with a broad global reach and following Amrita combines her interest in advocacy for first nations sovereignty with a compelling and diverse physical practice.

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